Aspire Breaking Horizons with Hookin4Health Training Workshops
As part of the Oceania Hockey Federation Hookin4Health Program, Aspire Community is the training partner delivering tailored sport for development leaders training to advance enduring and sustaining capacity building in the Pacific Island countries and Papua New Guinea.
The Aspire Community Team is led by FIH Level 3 Coach Educator – David McNeil who brings with him a unique mix of understanding sport for development needs and high-performance needs, will be delivering a variety of training to the participants, and working with the groups to support advancement and confidence in building and delivering their own delivery projects all working towards the delivery of Live Well Learn Well Lead Well.
The Aspire Community Team will also work with participants to create a stronger understanding of how to work through challenges in a managed way looking for local solutions to local challenges, building a sport for development project platform from which participation, growth and community development can advance in a sustainable way.
For more information on these programs, contact the Aspire team at